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Our wood wick candles give off a warm glow and cracklin' noise similar to a bonfire.

Edwards Coffee Tin HG

  • This tin is filled with our NEW HomeGrown Scent! Our warm, rustic scent blends cinnamon, apples, oranges, vanilla and ground cloves for a HomeGrown smell throughout your home. This candle is made with 100% Pure Fragrance Oil, Paraffin Wax, Two Wood Wicks and a Vintage Coffee Tin stating, "Sanka Coffee, 97% of the Caffein Removed". The tin also has directions for making the Perfect Sanka Coffee and a "Drink it and Sleep" story. This candle is approximately 3 inches tall with a 5 inch diameter. A candle this size burns approximately 30 hours. Each tin will vary a little because they are authentic and let's face it... old or as we like to say, vintage. REPURPOSE IDEA: When your tin is empty use it as a flower pot by drilling holes in the bottom and then placing a small terra cotta pot inside or planting directly in the tin.

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